"Maurice" == Maurice Diamantini
Maurice> Just some remarks/questions: - docbook seems to be the standard Maurice> for describing documentation data, - dblatex seams to be a Maurice> currently good supported tools for **easely** provide pdf Maurice> output from docbook input, and cutomize the output with .xsl Maurice> parameters or LaTeX .sty files - dbcontext seams not to be Maurice> maintained very much - ConTeXt seams to be able to directly Maurice> parse xml without external tools Heh, for me (and I'm not alone), docbook is an overkill for many documentation tasks - way too big :-/ Maurice> If ConTeXt provide an easy way for translate docbook to pdf Maurice> file (usable by a non (ie. not yet) ConTeXt user as dblatex Maurice> is), I think poeple could switch to ConTeXt only for that Maurice> feature (not everybody have dependency with LaTeX!) Then the Maurice> problem would resume to find a good "yourPreferedWikiFormat" to Maurice> docbook... (I'v not seen any "t-bocbook" file on Maurice> http://dl.contextgarden.net/modules) Take a look at http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/ - it uses 'extended' markdown syntax and can export to ConTeXt. If pandoc would not be enough for our documentation needs, I'd probably look at reST or Asciidoc which do Docbook, but no ConTeXt back-end :-( Sincerely, Gour -- Gour | Zagreb, Croatia | GPG key: C6E7162D ----------------------------------------------------------------