Am 20.12.22 um 20:31 schrieb Pawel Urbanski via ntg-context:
Hi, Let me clarify my question more... I need to attach some value to a chapter in that key. That custom prefix + the value in the key is ment to be in the header or a footer as a matter of fact. The case can apply to both headers and footers. I tried: \chapter[title={A sample title}][custom_random={custom_value}] \setupheadertexts[{Prefix: \structureuservariable{custom_random}}] ... \stopchapter I tried this code when trying to figure out the mechanism. The prefix string in placed in the header, but hte custom value of the attached key is not expanded.. Evey page will contain just one section started by a \startchapter and \stop chapter. I would like to put this custom attached value in the right slot in the document header.
In headers and footers, you need \namedstructureuservariable{chapter}{custom_value} and maybe some expansion stuff (not my forte). Hraban