On Thu, 6 Feb 2003 23:35:14 +0100
Giuseppe Bilotta
Thursday, February 6, 2003 Jens-Uwe Morawski wrote:
JUM> as you know, PSTricks is a huge package, so where to start?
In particular, there are a few things that I currently see as "missing" in (plain) MetaPost (and which I couldn't find in MetaFun either); for example, there is no macro that allows to "add" drawoptions; you can only replace them altogether. PSTricks, OTOH (at least for what I could see) has a default color, pensize and line style which can be changed singularly (MetaPost seems to only do this for the pen --currentpen; it doesn't have a currentcolor or currentstyle).
Do you mean something like in the attached files? keyvalmp.mp : package for key-value parameters in MP; used in mpt-conf.mp (BTW, if anybody knows a better way to implement this, please let me know) mptricks.mp : base MPTricks package mpt-conf.mp : MPTricks module that implements the requested feature mpt-test.mp : the example file Best, Jens