On Apr 30, 2008, at 11:37 AM, luigi scarso wrote:
I'm not searching for the perfect way, just a way to print a greek pdf Suggestions welcome.
Well, the easiest solution is: use a font that does have a full set of Greek characters. The TeXGyre fonts have some Greek characters, but they are not really finished and are not usable right now. You're trying to fake characters which are not in the font; this is unsatisfying from an esthetical point of view and hackish as for the produced pdf (not cut-and-paste, no search etc.). For better results, try a font such as Gentium, Minion, or even Times New Roman. If it's important for you: for several months now, I have been using a version of my Greek module which works perfectly with mkiv; so far, I haven't seen the necesity to upload it, but I could do it any time (after some clean-up). Best Thomas