1 May
1 May
4:01 p.m.
It looks like the 'after' property of \setuphead can be used to override
Using the continue=no option of setuphead (in MKIV) didn't seem to work (not
sure why). What I did as a workaround was to a blank paragraph after each
heading (using 'after' in setuphead) and then packed the result. Not
necessarily an ideal solution, but adequate for what I needed.
\setuphead[references][after={ ~ }]
\startpacked % Get rid of large gaps between the references.
\dorecurse{10}{\references{Reference item}}
Am 01.05.2013 um 18:03 schrieb Lance Larsen
'keep with next' behavior of the headings.
No, you need the continue key to disable this feature. \setuphead[section][continue=no] Wolfgang