On Thu, 2013-09-19 at 14:25 -0700, Kip Warner wrote:
It looks as though the problem is buried in line 596 of font-syn.lua. For some reason s.angle is typed as a Lua string and not a number.
local angle = f_a(s.angle or 0)
I tried patching the above with the following... local angle = f_a(tonumber(s.angle) or 0) ...and the Lua compiler does appear to consume that line successfully, but a new error I cannot decipher creeps up... error: /usr/share/texmf/tex/context/base/math-noa.lua:156: You can't assign a glue_spec node to a prev field . \textmath ...\normalstartimath #1\normalstopimath \endgroup \fi \symb_place_indeed ...name \??symbol #1\endcsname \relax \endgroup \symb_place_retry ...name \symb_place_indeed {:#1} \else #1\fi \symb_place_normal_c ...lace_retry \currentsymbol \fi \symb_place_normal_b ...else \symb_place_normal_c \fi \symb_place_indeed ...name \??symbol #1\endcsname \relax \endgroup ... l.103 \eTABLE That also appears to be buried deep inside Hans' math routines. I can't figure out exactly what he is trying to do, but it looks as though it has something to do with calculating correct values for fonts. -- Kip Warner -- Software Engineer OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred http://www.thevertigo.com