On 2012-02-06 Kip Warner
I am familiar with the \completecontent command, but was wondering if there is a way to also typeset just a summary of the table of contents (e.g. just chapters and no sections, sub sections, etc.)?
\placelist [chapter]
I've also noticed that all of the colours in my table of contents appear to be the same. I don't know if it has always been this way or if it is a recent bug or something has changed in ConTeXt.
I don't quite understand. By default the colour is black. When interaction is activated the links are green.
Regardless, I wonder if someone could tell me how to customize the colours of the various parts of the table of contents, such as the chapter/section number, the name, and the page number it starts on.
\setuplist [chapter] [color=yellow, pagecolor=green] \setuplist [section] [color=blue, numbercolor=red] Marco