Am 12.04.2013 um 11:02 schrieb "H. Özoguz"
Hi (sorry for many questions today :)),
with German you often have the problem, that words are long (most often much longer than english words). So ConTeXt have to break them. But there is a typographical rule: "Do not break words at the end of lines in more than three consecutive lines."
So four (or more) breaks each ofter another (line), is forbidden and considered as ugly! By default, ConTeXt does this in many cases, specially with DIN A5 and long words. And I have to manually fix this in every case, that is normal and ok. Is there a way to highlight these attempts of more than three consecutive breaks in one paragraph? Would be easier to find, and to not-oversee.
Future suggestion: Perfectly ConTeXt would try to avoid those breaks, but I suspect that would end in ungly kerning and unnormal gaps between words, correct?
You can add \setupalign[stretch] to your document which increases the space between words, it is only a small value and helps in some cases. Wolfgang