Folks, I am new beginner and have some rookie questions about using the bib module. 1. \setupcite[number][left=[, right=]] did not work. the citation still shows up in the text like (author, year) 2. either \completepublications or \placepublications wont show the publication list at the end of the paper without using \setup[pubs][criterium=all]. 3. \setuppublications[numbering=yes] fails to put a number before the publication list at the end of the paper. I got the most updated m-bib.zip from http://texaanhet.net/bib/ and copied those file to my local hard drive at ...\texmf\tex\context\m-bib\. Also I just updated my context to the new released version. By the way, I use pc and WinEdt. I probably made several mistakes. please help. thanks a lot. best, fei