On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 2:03 PM, Marco Patzer
\setupexternalfigures [directory=images]
The images can also be elsewhere than in a subdirectory: \setupexternalfigures[directory=../graphics] You can also tell ConTeXt to look into multiple directories: \setupexternalfigures[directory={images,drawings}] The above can of course be combined as needed, one of my recent ConTeXt files has \setupexternalfigures[directory={../Classic,../Celtic}] One more trick: ConTeXt will first look for a pic in current directory, then proceed to check out the others defined by \setupexternalfigures. When I worked with a master file and its translations where some figures had translated text and others didn't, I dumped the translated pics in the same directory with my translated tex file, while all the untouched graphics could be found at the root. So when I compiled e.g. the Swedish tex file, it would first look for graphics in its own directory 'swedish', and only if a graphic could not be found, it followed the paths set by \setupexternalfigures. That is, ConTeXt doesn't get confused by having several graphics with the same name in the same tree because it stops looking after the first hit. I figured this out almost by accident and it turned out to be one of the smartest workflow choices I've made during my 10 years of ConTeXting. I could swear I've seen the info on a wiki page, but can't find that now... Anyway, this is always useful to check out, it contains a few more nifty trick: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/setupexternalfigures Mari