On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 10:58, Alan BRASLAU wrote:
I'm not sure that I understand the problem with ` (GRAVE ACCENT) that cannot be solved with a macro or by a setting that disactivates the production of ‘ (LEFT SINGLE QUOTE MARK).
Try to process the following with XeTeX (I would be grateful if anyone knew how to solve that particular problem; also note that some hyphenation patterns don't work when ' is replaced by proper quotation mark): \font\a="[lmroman10-regular]" \font\b="[lmroman10-regular]:mapping=tex-text" \starttext \a ``abc'' {\buildtextaccent\textgrave a}\par \b ``abc'' {\buildtextaccent\textgrave a} \stoptext You can try to start playing with modifications of texmf/fonts/misc/xetex/fontmapping/base/tex-text.map.
I see from LaTeX that: \`{} is a grave accent works, as does: \`\ is a grave accent but not: {\`} is a grave accent or: \` is a grave accent
This is true for (pdf)latex. Have you tried the same with XeLaTeX using any Unicode font (not the default cmr)? I wanted to try it out, but I don't know how to do it. Side note: This is unrelated to the problem that I have mentioned. What you are quoting is a matter of "input handling". The problem we want to solve has to do with "font handling". Mojca