Hi Alan What I am trying to achieve is the following (of which typesetting the author’s name is only a detail): setting up an environment that I can use for all papers and works that I have to write during my academic studies. With the basic layout I am almost done. The main remaining problem is to get the bibliographic information details in the publications list into the right order for every possible type of publication according to the standards demanded by my university department which differ from APA style. You ask what I am looking for: It would be great to be able at the same time to format every detail of information while defining said order. Defining that order could be done by giving a kind of “maximum case” with the exact order of the desired variables and the punctuation and blanks between them for every particular type of publication cited. Out of that “maximum case” the underlying mechanism would ignore everything not needed in the particular case of a certain publication. In the case of publication type “book” it could be something like: \setpublicationstyleforlist [type:book] [{invertedauthor1}{/}{invertedauthor2}{/}{invertedauthor3}{et al.}{ (}{year}{): }{title}{. }{address}{: }{publisher}{.}] The underlying mechanism would ignore author 2 and 3 if there was only one single author. In case of more than 3 authors given the “et al.” would be used after naming the first 3 authors. That system would be perfect, if you could do do the desired typographic formatting directly inside that definition: \setpublicationstyleforlist [type:book] [{\letterspace{\sc {invertedauthor}{/}{invertedauthor}{/}{invertedauthor}}{et al.}}{ (}{\oldstyle{year}}{): }{\it{title}}{. }{adress}{: }{publisher}{.}] Accordingly for the inline references: \setupcitestyle[{\letterspace{\sc{authorlastname}{ et al.}}}{ }{\oldstyle{year}}] There should be a possibility to invoke a certain citation style you have defined from a text file so you would not have to type (respectively copy/paste) everything again every time. The advantage of such a system would be that everybody could define exactly what he/she needs. Would that be very difficult to implement? Then there are the cases where the definition work has already be done in the form of special XML files: Over 7,000 CSL (= citation style language) files are listed for download at the citationstyles.org website. Pandoc seems to have a way to use CSL files to filter, order and format the information from BibTeX files. It would be great if you could do that directly inside ConTeXt as well. \ConTeXtualGreetings :) Jörg PS: I have (as I wrote) defaulted oldstyle numbers for my whole environment, so I am not mixing old and normal style. On 16.01.2015 14:18, Alan BRASLAU wrote:
We have completely rewritten the bibliography subsystem of ConTeXt which is not quite production-ready. It should become easier to create custom renderings of bibliography references and publication lists.
Do you wish to mix old style numbers for the years with normal style numbers for volume, number, chapter, page, etc.? If so, would such a mix look strange?
Do you want only the author names in small capitals, or also the editor? What about the title, journal, publisher, ... ? I suppose all names, but not other text.
I do not have any suggestion with the use of the "old" bibliography module, and the new system is, as I said, not quite ready. But please clarify what you are looking for so that we can make this somehow possible.
On Fri, 16 Jan 2015 06:08:36 +0100 Jörg Weger
wrote: Hello everybody,
I am rather new to ConTeXt and I am momentarily stuck with the following:
How can I further format the way an inline reference and a bibliographic reference in the publications list are displayed? For example I would like to display the author(s) in spaced-out small caps (I am using the “letterspace” module). The year should be in oldstyle numbers both in the inline reference and in the publications list. An inline-reference should like this (simulated without BibTeX, letterspacing slightly exaggerated):
% ====== MWE ===============================
\usemodule[t][letterspace] \defineletterspace [LSsmcp] \setupletterspace [LSsmcp][factor=.08, spaceskip=.4em, suppresskern=no,]
\input knuth ({\LSsmcp {\sc Knuth}} {\os 1991})
\input zapf
% ==========================================
I have defaulted oldstyle numbers my environment but I would like to get the the small caps working for the author(s) name(s).
I messed around with \setuppublications and \setupcite without success. Is there a way to invoke such formatting in those setups?