Years ago I wrote a book (Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture) using ConTeXt. The setup was (I think Taco’s) basic book project setup, with a chapters, environments, products, etc. subdirectory where you work in the chapters directory and can both produce individual chapters and the whole book. The main tool to produce was texexec. ConTeXt has moved on considerably since then (2014-2015). So, I tried teh old project to see if it still works, but found out it didn’t. There still is a texexec in my MacTeX, but the compilation fails: texexec --pdf --mode=SCREEN ../products/prd_book.tex resolvers | initialization | fatal error: kpse library is accessed (key: original) Is there a new ‘book’ project structure/template for the modern/standalone ConTeXt? Note, I have both a standalone ConTeXt (for another project) and the MacTeX distribution on my system. PATH: /Library/TeX/texbin:/usr/local/context-osx-64/tex/texmf-osx-64/bin: Thanks, Gerben Wierda (LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerbenwierda) R&A Enterprise Architecture https://ea.rna.nl/ (main site) Book: Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture https://ea.rna.nl/the-book/ Book: Mastering ArchiMate https://ea.rna.nl/the-book-edition-iii/