Am 29.04.2012 um 14:23 schrieb Vladimir Lomov:
Just to clarify question (before update wiki): is `\setnumber' command obsolete and `\setupnumber' should be used instead?
Both commands have a different purpose, with \setupnumber you can change the conversion of the counter (romannumerals, characters etc.), add a prefix (chapter, section … number) and let the counter be reset with each new sectionblock or heading. With \setnumber you can set the counter to a certain value but to fit the command in the normal syntax there was a change a while back. In MkII you set the number in braces \setnumber[…]{<number>} but for MkIV you use brackets to set the number \setnumber[…][<number>]
I'm also reading "dev-context", some time ago there were discussion about `\definestructure...', in message `<4F737D98.5040600@wxs.nl>' Hans shown several `\let' commands, from that I thought that `\setnumber' is ok to use with `[]{}'.
In MkIV the real names for the counter mechanism are - \definecounter - \setupcounter - \incrementcounter - \convertedcounter - … but for backward compatibility (the names are mentioned in manuals) the old names from MkII are synonyms with the same syntax. Wolfgang