12 Sep
12 Sep
12:42 p.m.
Hi all, I tried following this tex.sx answer: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/453143/noto-cjk-font-not-usable-with... https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/453143/noto-cjk-font-not-usable-with... Can someone give me an explanation of what I did wrong? Hit me with all the technical concepts. I’m competent with fontspec on XeTeX. Step 1: Copy NotoSerifCJKsc-Regular.otf to ~/context/tex/texmf-local/fonts Step 2: Run `mtxrun --script font --convert NotoSerifCJKsc-Regular.otf' Step 3: Run `mtxrun —script fonts --reload’ Step 4: Run `context test.tex’ The error: fonts > defining > unknown font 'NotoSerifCJKsc-Regular', loading aborted Regards Jon