Gents I'm a newbie with Tex and ConTeXt but enjoying myself so far. Everything is working very smoothly except for one single issue; I want to right-align a block of text, e.g. have the text left-aligned but the block right aligned. An ascii example would be; | | | Some text | | More text | | Even more text | I've tried various context structures .. frames etc and I've also tried \hboxes and \vboxes but the best I can do is to specify the distance between the text and the right margin. I want something that will stretch to keep all the text on the page with just the longest line hitting touching the right margin. I need this 'box' to contain several paragraphs. I expect that there is a Plain TeX solution but I'm hoping there will be an even easier ConTeXt solution. thanks Andrew ===== Andrew Lawson andrew@absentis.com www.absentis.com __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). http://calendar.yahoo.com