Hi ConTeXt Gurus, enclosed please find a little snippet of code: %---snip--snip--snip--- \usetypescript[pagella] \setupbodyfont[pagella,rm,11pt] \definefont[FontA][Sans at 36pt] \definehead[ChapterA][chapter] \setuphead[ChapterA][command=\Cmd,style=\FontA] \definehead[ChapterB][chapter] \setuphead[ChapterB][command=\Cmd,textstyle=\FontA,numberstyle=\FontA] \def\Cmd#1#2{% \hbox{% {\framed[frame=on,offset=none,strut=1cm]{#1}} {\framed[frame=on,offset=none,strut=1cm]{#2}} } } \starttext \ChapterA{Test} \Cmd{\FontA 1}{\FontA Test} \hbox{% {\framed[frame=on,offset=none,strut=1cm]{\FontA 1}} {\framed[frame=on,offset=none,strut=1cm]{\FontA Test}} } \ChapterB{Test} \Cmd{\FontA 1}{\FontA Test} \hbox{% {\framed[frame=on,offset=none,strut=1cm]{\FontA 1}} {\framed[frame=on,offset=none,strut=1cm]{\FontA Test}} } \stoptext %---snip--snip--snip--- The code defines 2 chapter headings (ChapterA, ChapterB) and my assumption is, that the effect of setting "style=..." and "fontstyle=..., numberstyle=..." should be the same. As an additional test I included the usage of \Cmd and a manual copy of \Cmd in the normal text. If you run this through ConTeXt MkIV you will see: 1 The frames in the chapter both headings are much bigger than in the normal text. 2 The gap between the chapter number and the chapter name is different for chapter 1 (on page 1) and chapter 2 (on page 2). The word "test" is not aligned 3 The value of "strut" has no effect at all. I am trying to mimic a chapter style in a book of mine, but with the result above I am not sure about the tools to use. Best Regards from Germany, Michael Ewe