11 Jun
11 Jun
11:27 a.m.
Hi, I would like to ask for help for either finding a fix or some clever workaround for the following problem. If I use a TikZ picture as item symbol and additionally use background text, then the first symbol in itemize environment gets covered by the background. Here's an example: \usemodule [tikz] \definesymbol[1] [{\tikz\shade[shading=ball,ball color=blue] (0,0) circle (.2cm);}] \definecolor [backcol] [s=1,a=1,t=0.1] \starttext \startframedtext[width=4cm,background=color,backgroundcolor=backcol] \startitemize \item one \item two \item three \stopitemize \stopframedtext \stoptext Thank you, Mojca