Am 21.08.2012 um 01:56 schrieb john Culleton
On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 23:09:11 +0200 Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: Am 20.08.2012 um 22:41 schrieb Xan
: Hi,
I want to print a message depending if the page is even or odd. In pseudocode:
\if \inpage.\iseven { This page is even } \else { This page is odd }
How can I do that in ConTeXt?
Will the plain text way still work? \ifodd\pageno foo \else bar \fi
This works only correct when used used in the page header or footer texts which are added after the page is finished and then you can use context’s \doifoddpageelse command. When used in the running text the test can fail when you have a text which ends at the top of the page which was processed by tex when it was on the previous page and the output was moved to the next page because there wasn’t enough space. Wolfgang