On Thu, 6 Feb 2003 15:29:12 +0100
Giuseppe Bilotta
Thursday, February 6, 2003 Jens-Uwe Morawski wrote:
JUM> Hmm, PSTricks consists of two parts: JUM> a) a TeX-part that provides a user-interface and writes the JUM> PS-specials in the dvi-output JUM> b) a set of PS-macros that provides a varity of interesting JUM> features
JUM> So, what do want or what is missing in your opinion, since JUM> some of the PSTricks features are already available in ConTeXt/MFun.
I'm more interested in (a), even if, I assume, some part of (b) would need to be implemented in MetaPost too ...
as you know, PSTricks is a huge package, so where to start? - what features are needed - who can write the TeX interface - i could help with some MP code but one important fact is, that PSTricks is from the normal users point of view a simple 1:1 interface. That means as long as the user is not familiar with TeX-programming one PSTricks command results in specific PS-code in the output. In contrast MetaPost is an easy to learn, clean and simple graphic/programming language; therefore we should not move too many features in the TeX interface since we will loose much of MPs flexibility. IMO, the TeX-part should only be present where interaction between TeX and MP is needed or where some complex MP-code can be hidden with a single TeX-command. Jens