Not exactly. If you don't have the same number of answers that the number of questions, so your counter is not properly set. See that: \defineblock[question] \defineblock[hint] \defineblock[answer] \defineenumeration[question][alternative=hanging,width=2.5cm,text={Question},stopper={.}] \defineenumeration[hint] [alternative=hanging,width=4cm,text={Hint for question},stopper={.}] \defineenumeration[answer] [alternative=hanging,width=4.5cm,text={Answer to question},stopper={.}] \keepblocks[question] \hideblocks[hint] \hideblocks[answer] \starttext \section{Questions} \beginquestion \startquestion Compute $4\times 5$. \stopquestion \endquestion \beginhint \starthint Use the fact that $2\times 5 = 10$. \stophint \endhint %\beginanswer %\startanswer % $20$. %\stopanswer %\endanswer \beginquestion \startquestion What is the value of $100/10$? \stopquestion \endquestion \beginhint \starthint Remember that $10\times 10 = 100$. \stophint \endhint \beginanswer \startanswer $10$ \stopanswer \endanswer \section{Hints} \useblocks[hint] \section{Answers} \useblocks[answer] \stoptext If you comment one solution, then, you get "Answer to question 1", instead of "Answer of question 2", which is really. No always a question has an answer provided by me ;-) Thanks,
Maybe this is what you looking for:
%%%% begin question-hint-answer.tex \defineblock[question] \defineblock[hint] \defineblock[answer]
\defineenumeration[question][alternative=hanging,width=2.5cm,text={Question},stopper={.}] \defineenumeration[hint] [alternative=hanging,width=4cm,text={Hint for question},stopper={.}] \defineenumeration[answer] [alternative=hanging,width=4.5cm,text={Answer to question},stopper={.}]
\keepblocks[question] \hideblocks[hint] \hideblocks[answer]
\beginquestion \startquestion Compute $4\times 5$. \stopquestion \endquestion
\beginhint \starthint Use the fact that $2\times 5 = 10$. \stophint \endhint
\beginanswer \startanswer $20$. \stopanswer \endanswer
\beginquestion \startquestion What is the value of $100/10$? \stopquestion \endquestion
\beginhint \starthint Remember that $10\times 10 = 100$. \stophint \endhint
\beginanswer \startanswer $10$ \stopanswer \endanswer
\stoptext %%%% end question-hint-answer.tex
Best regards: OK