I'm really struggling to get this working... I've got some keywords which i want to mark in the text with a special style: -- \starttext \usetypescript[adobekb][\defaultencoding] \setupbodyfont[pos,9pt] \setupcolors[state=start] \define[1]\Keyword{% {\startcolor[darkgreen]\bf{#1}\stopcolor}} \chapter{Introduction} \Keyword{if} blah blah blah blah blah \Keyword{for} blah blah blah -- This works great. But then I've got the following keywords: # ! | \ @ ^ + - * / % Of these, i can get half of them to work: -- \Keyword{\#} \Keyword{\percent} \Keyword{\&} \Keyword{\backslash} \Keyword{\@} \Keyword{/} -- but i can't get any of the the remaining ones ( ! | ^ + - * ) to. Any suggestions would be very welcome! I was then going to go on to add an indexing command: \define[1]\Keyword{% {\startcolor[darkgreen]\bf{#1}\stopcolor} \index{#1}} but this wasn't working either... Help!