Am 31.01.2015 um 17:42 schrieb Rob Heusdens
: \starttitlepagemakeup BIG TITLE \stoptitlepagemakeup % <- empty page inserted after here, so page number becomes 5 \setcounter[userpage][5] % <- without this, the page number = 3
You donât need this manual setting for the pagenumber when you set âpagestate=startâ for the markup environment. Below you can see that the second makeup environment increments the page number.
\startmakeup[standard] Standardmakeup page \stopmakeup
\input knuth
\startmakeup[standard][pagestate=start] Standardmakeup page \stopmakeup
\input knuth
Wolfgang Thank you. But the real issue is still that page jumps from the interactive table of contents (at least, only those I have tried and noticed their misbehaviour) are always off by 1 page too far. I will try to make a MWE for this (the other code I sent, did not expose the error), and will try to see if \enabletrackers can point me to where the problem might be located (but first I have some other glitches I need to repair). greetings, Rob