On Tue, 28 Apr 2009, curiouslearn wrote:
I know that Context is developing rapidly and the top guys here are all very busy with these development efforts. But I thought I would just float this idea.
There is an open source mathematics software system called sagemath which aims to be a viable substitute to Mathematica and Maple. The link is
There exists a latex package called sagetex, which allows using sagemath functions from within latex. The following link on ctan has some examples
Do you think it is possible to do a similar thing in Context?
Have a look at the r module in the distribtuion, m-r.tex. It does something similar, but uses R instead on sage. It should be possible to copy code from there and translate it for sage.
It would be really cool if this functionality is added to Context.
Simple things like multiplication and basic algebra can be done using calcmath. See, for example, http://www.tug.org/pipermail/tugindia/2008-December/004714.html But we should not write a CAS in lua. There are plenty of good ones out there.
What do the experts here think?
How much does it rely on SAGE. For example, one the examples in the manual says that \sage{matrix([1,2], [3,4])^2} is converted into a \begin{array} ... \end{array} block. Most likely, this conversion is done by sage. Is it possible to change a few functions in sage so that the output is in ConTeXt syntax? Regarding graphics, gnuplot tries hard to ensure that document fonts are used in plots. I don't know how easy it is to do such things with sage and R. Aditya