Hi ConTeXist A few days ago Hans pointed me builtin CSV splitter. I tried to test it sure will come in handy for my needs. I found that if the CSV file contain a blank line, then it stops processing the file (see my minimal example). It is clear to me that the incorrectness of file format (eg. different number of columns in rows etc.) may cause interruption of processing, however, I want to ask whether there is an opportunity to process the CSV file with blank lines until the end of CSV file. I noticed that when I exporting data from Excel sometimes happens that in the export file will appear blank line. Is it interrupt processing a feature of a buildin splitter or is it a bug? Can it possibly somehow fix or add new functionality? Thanx Jaroslav Hajtmar Here is minimal example: \starttext \startluacode local mycsvsplitter = utilities.parsers.rfc4180splitter{ separator = ",", quote = '"', } local crap = io.loaddata("data.txt") -- with header variant local tablerows, columnname = mycsvsplitter(crap,true) inspect(tablerows) inspect(columnname) -- without header variant -- local tablerows = mycsvsplitter(crap) -- inspect(tablerows) for i=1,#tablerows do local l = tablerows[i] for j=1,#l do context(l[j]..", ") end context('\\crlf') end \stopluacode \stoptext % <-------------- here start data.txt file ----------------------> first,second,third,fourth 1,"2","3","4" "a","b","c","d" "foo","bar""baz","boogie","xyzzy" " "," "," "," " "And now","followed by","several","blank lines" "After several","empty rows","data continues","here" 11,"22","33","44" "aa","bb","cc","dd" % <-------------- and here stop data.txt file ---------------------->