On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Wolfgang Schuster
Am 22.11.2009 um 21:15 schrieb luigi scarso:
%%test-outlined.tex \starttext \startTEXpage \startuseMPgraphic{a} graphictext "\bf Fun" scaled 4 zscaled (1,1.5) withdrawcolor blue withfillcolor .5white withpen pencircle scaled 5pt \stopuseMPgraphic \useMPgraphic{a} \stopTEXpage \stoptext
\starttext {\blue\tfd Fun\llap{\red\property[outer]{\tfd Fun}}} \stoptext
Also from metapost manual \starttext \startTEXpage \startuseMPgraphic{a} fontmapfile "=lm-ec.map"; picture q; path p; interim ahlength := 12bp; interim ahangle := 25; q := glyph "Dcaron" of "ec-lmr10" scaled .2; for item within q: p := pathpart item; drawarrow p withcolor (.6,.9,.6) withpen pencircle scaled 1.5; for j=0 upto length p: pickup pencircle scaled .7; draw (point j of p -- precontrol j of p) dashed evenly withcolor blue; draw (point j of p -- postcontrol j of p) dashed evenly withcolor blue; pickup pencircle scaled 3; draw precontrol j of p withcolor red; draw postcontrol j of p withcolor red; pickup pencircle scaled 2; draw point j of p withcolor black; endfor endfor \stopuseMPgraphic \useMPgraphic{a} \stopTEXpage \stoptext -- luigi