Dear all, I was about to adapt the type-optical module to include Semibold and Condensed when I noticed that optical scaling is not working as expected. To be more precise only downscaling works. Let me give you a short example of what I did: \usemodule[type-optical] \usetypescript[minion] \setupbodyfont[minion,12pt] \starttext \title{Title} \section{Section} Text \tfxx tfxx \tfx tfx \tfa tfa \tfb tfb \tfc tfc \tfd tfd \stoptext This document is composed of various font sizes: \tfxx to \tfd scale to 7.2, 9.6, 14.4, 17.28, 20.736, and 24.888pt. According to the definitions in type-optical \tfxx should be set in MinionPro-Capt, \tfx and \tf in MinionPro-Regular, \tfa and \tfb in Subhead and the rest is Display size. Looking at the resulting PDF file with pdffonts indicates that MinionPro-Regular and MinionPro-Capt are the only fonts used. Not so Subhead or Display sizes. Changing the bodyfont to [minion,14pt] results in MinionPro-Subh and MinionPro-Regular to be included. I was curious and tried the same thing with Latin Modern: \setupbodyfont[8pt] \starttext \title{Title} \section{Section} Text \tfa tfa \tfb tfa \tfc tfa \tfd tfa \stoptext Same problem: Only LMRoman8-Regular is used. By including the lines \tfxx tfxx \tfx tfx LMRoman5-Regular and LMRoman6-Regular are included in the PDF. Again not the larger sizes. I'm quite puzzled about this strange behaviour and would apreciate any help. Best Florian PS.: I'm running Tex Live 2010 (MacTex) with a recent update from rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/current/.