On 9 mrt 2010, at 11:31, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 9-3-2010 11:26, Hans van der Meer wrote:
I get an error with the code below. Is it (im)possible to fill a buffer from xml-processing in this manner? Or is there another way?
The xml: <description>contents of description</description>
The setups: \startxmlsetups xml:case:description \startbuffer[BESCHRIJVING] \xmlflush{#1} \stopbuffer \stopxmlsetups
The error message: Runaway argument? \xmlflush {dvd::24}\stopbuffer \startcase \dvdfrontpagina [\PAGEFIGURE \ETC. ! File ended while scanning use of \dododowithbuffer.
buffers don't work inside a setup
but why do you need a buffer? you can explicitly flush content
I want a buffer because I must save the contents until I can call it up later on. The solution below flushes the contents prematurely.
and such so there is no need for buffers; in fact, the whole file is buffered and you can consider each element to be a buffer
Hans van der Meer