Am 06.08.2010 um 14:22 schrieb Steffen Wolfrum:
Am 06.08.2010 um 14:02 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 6-8-2010 1:56, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
sorry, but this is not what is needed (see attached pdf, please) this tight interlinespace is not possible in MkIV when grid mode is on?
well, you want things on a grid ... if you don't want that don't use grid mode or snap a box on the grid and disable gridmode inside the box
Sure, these minimal examples somehow look silly. But this is only because I try to make the problem clear in a minimal file. In real life it is more serious and there it is nothing weird at all. Using "\lineskiplimit-\maxdimen" is more like a life insurance: Given, you have a predefined interlinespace (eg. the publishing house told you). And, for several reasons you want/need to use grid mode. Everything is set up fine and works nicely ... until on one page, there is a "g" and below is "É" (like in Étude). Suddenly these two lines seem to have a bigger interline space! You didn't expect this french word is used in your project. But the printer inspected the galley proofs and saw it. That's really an awkward situation ... And that's why I need this functionality in MkIV, too. Steffen