Dear partners in crime, I have come across a situation where, in a left-to-right document, I need to make the footnotes operate right to left: that is, the footnote numeral and rule should be on the right side of the page. Now when using the global direction changes that eomega/Gamma offers, this is trivial for a global right-to-left document (\pagedir TRT and \bodydir TRT are the global settings), but in a globally left-to-right document I have not been able to get this to work locally. To explain: \textdir TRT and \pardir TRT locally switch the text and paragraph directions respectively, but not the footnote markers and rule. This is correct behavior of course. But I have an article that includes a long right-to-left extract with footnotes, and those footnotes need to be RL in the sense described above (numeral + rule). Is there any way to add a parameter option to \setupfoonotes which, between---say, a \start-\stop---that can locally switch the location of the numeral and marker to RL? Please help: I'm supposed to send this thing to the printer next week:-)) Best Idris PS \pagedir TRT and \bodydir TRT don't seem to help this proble when applied in a local context.