On Mon, 28 Apr 2008, Mikael Persson wrote:
Hello again,
* snip *
I could reproduce the result and have also a fix but I don't know what the correct reults should be and other people like Aditya should decide if it makes sense to change the current behaviour.
\def\startdisplaymath {\ifgridsnapping \beforedisplayspace \snapmathtogrid\vbox
* snip *
This fix seems not to solve the problem entirely. With this fix applied, If one now put a formula inside an enumeration one gets "double" space before the formula. This is a test file that shows the problem:
This is basically because in enumerations indenting is set to never. You can see the same affect with \setupindenting[no] \testtext One possible fix is to add indenting=(reset|next|first) %default is never to the \setupenumeration command. For example
\defineenumeration[example] [text=Example, location=serried, width=fit, indenting=reset, %%<<<---- Add This distance=0.5em, way=bysection, ]
Another is to change \startdisplaymath to \def\startdisplaymath {\ifgridsnapping \beforedisplayspace \snapmathtogrid\vbox \bgroup \informulatrue %\forgetall % breaks side floats \else \bgroup \parskip\formulaparskip % ! ! \informulatrue %\forgetall % otherwise backgrounds fail \ifdim\lastskip<\zeropoint\else \par \ifvmode \ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint\relax \whitespace \vskip-\parskip % kind of forces and cancels again \fi \fi \fi \doif\displaygridcorrection{-\v!top}{\kern-\strutht}% new, currently only option/default \beforedisplayspace \par \ifvmode \ifdim\parskip>\zeropoint\relax \else \ifindentfirstparagraph \verticalstrut \vskip-\struttotal \vskip-\baselineskip \fi\fi \fi \fi $$\setdisplaydimensions \setpredisplaysize\lastlinewidth \startinnermath} But this is getting ugly. Aditya