Am 11.01.25 um 12:30 schrieb Hans Hagen via ntg-context:
Sure. I’m proud to have found several features that you forgot about ;)
ah, so you now make a nice certificate that you can put behind you when we chat
Will do ;) Do you also give out cheques? ;) Back to macros (I read lowlevel-macros, at least tried to…): While I liked \define, it looks like it just doesn’t make sense anymore if I need (\tolerant)\def for anything advanced anyway? You stress how costly named macros are – then we should forget about MkLX mode? Did I understand correctly, that bracketed = optional parameters is just a convention, i.e. only the handling of arguments makes them optional, not their definition/fencing? With \tolerant, we can not only forget about the last dodos (and even single dos), but also about \dosingleargument & friends, right? Are there cases where the MkIV way still makes sense with LMTX? When does it make sense to define macros in Lua (interfaces.implement)? Obviously, if I need calculations or I/O operations that are easier to do in Lua. Are there disadvantages of Lua-defined vs. TeX-defined macros? Hraban