John R. Culleton wrote:
I would take a different approach, with each part header (there can't be that many) enclosed in \startstandardmakeup and \stopstandardmakeup
To get the part into the TOC there is a command to write an entry manually, with \writetolist.
Thanks a lot for this comment. It solved my problem. I'm now using: \defineXMLenvironment [appendices] {% \startappendices \setuppagenumbering [% way=bytext,% partnumber=no,% conversion=numbers,% location={header,right}% ]% \startstandardmakeup [% headerstate=empty,% pagestate=start% ] \framed [% width=\textwidth,% frame=off,% ] {% \ss\switchtobodyfont[60pt]\setupinterlinespace[line=2.8ex] Appendices \writetolist[part]{Appendices}{} } \stopstandardmakeup } {\stopappendices} And it does exactly what I want. Joh