On 08/03/2012 04:50 PM, Sietse Brouwer wrote:
I'm looking for a place to put it, but I'm handicapped by the fact that I know nothing about ConTeXt's XML handling. I don't even know whether the question+answer is about general lxml.att usage, or a howto for some specific result. Can somebody tell me:
Is the lxml namespace common and populated enough that it would be worth creating http://wiki.contextgarden.net/XML_manipulation to document the lxml.* functions, much like http://wiki.contextgarden.net/String_Manipulation documents string.* and lpeg.*, and [[table_manipulation]] documents table.*, and [[Extensions_to_the_Lua_I/O_library]] documents io.*. (Consistent page names? Maybe for Christmas (or St. Nicholas), if you're very good.)
Or is there a more suitable page among the links on http://wiki.contextgarden.net/XML?
Sietse _______
Hi Sietse, I have reorganized the XML page on the wiki a bit. The separation between mkii and mkiv wasn't visible enough, I think. It would now make sense to add a category "manipulating xml in lua code" (or something to that effect) under the mkiv heading and then add the lxml code. All best Thomas -- Prof. Dr. Thomas A. Schmitz Abteilung für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie Universität Bonn Am Hof 1e 53113 Bonn http://www.philologie.uni-bonn.de/personal/schmitz