Hello, I am new to ConTeXt and was trying to understand whether the following behaviour of \definelayout is expected. Consider this example,
\setuplayout[grid=yes] \showgrid \definelayout[odd][ backspace=50mm, width=90mm, topspace=20mm, header=0mm, footer=0mm, height=250mm, ]
\starttext \showframe \dorecurse{10}{\input knuth } \stoptext
which I compile with `context example.tex` (ConTeXt Process Management 1.06, current version: 2024.02.27 09:18, obtained via TeXLive 2024). While the document's layout updates on page 2 (at least, what's being shown by \showframe), the text is typeset using the previous (page 1) layout until it encounters the next \par. This repeats on the transition from page 2 to 3. I have tried to look for an answer in the following texts to no avail, - The layout guide: "It's in the details" - The "ConTEXt Mark IV: an excursion" - The mailing list: Peter Hopcroft chimed in with a similar issue in Dec 2022 (which I did not manage to replicate; it appears the solution was to enforce paragraphs at the layout change?) Is this just the expected behaviour of the layout engine or am I missing something in my preamble? I would very much appreciate your insights, thank you in advance! Louis