----- Original Message -----
From: "Hans Hagen"
At 21:54 17/12/2003, you wrote:
Hi all!
The question is not about ConTeXt, but...
I need to generate non-standard pdf[e]tex format. To do so I prepared pro.ini file which contains:
\pdfoutput=1 \input plain \input my-set-of-macros \dump \endinput
Then I run pdftex with command:
pdftex -ini -jobname=pro pro.ini
maybe adding
helps; otherwise make a pro.cfg file
Thanks Hans but it doesn't seem to be a solution. After generating pro.fmt it still complains during compilation about missing pdftex.cfg file. Everything works ok when I copy pdftex.cfg into working directory, so what pdftex says looks to be true. But why not-standard format needs config file in local directory? Meybe I should add some entry to texmf.cnf... Anyone knows? Thanks, Pawe/l