On 9/12/2018 18:16, Joseph Canedo wrote:
Typesetting some documents I notice several overfull boxes and having a look to output document it looks that somehow no hyphenation at all is performed (comparing to document produced with previous beta).
I use thiese settings linked to hyphenation
\setupalign[hanging, lesshyphenation, hz]
\language[fr] % french hyphenation
In some places I use ‘morehyphenation’ align option and still no hyphenation at all.
Any setting has changed by any chance ?
Thanks a lot
Best regards
Seconding the issue. No hyphenation in ragged right text with no change in setup-- I use: \setuptolerance[horizontal,verystrict] \setupalign[flushleft,hanging,nohz,hyphenated,morehyphenation,height] Oddly, I do see hyphenation in one place where I have overridden the default via \startexceptions. -- Rik