The new mkiv bibliography module does not use *.bst files at all.
We can handle access date but there needs to be some sort of
specification. I believe that the APA style only specifies "Retrieved
from". I can work something in to use the fields "lastchecked" and/or
On Fri, 11 Sep 2015 15:12:50 +0200
Hans Hagen
On 9/11/2015 10:29 AM, Jens Bertram wrote:
for a document I'm currently writing I need to cite some online resources including their last accessed date. Adding \insertbiburl[..] to a citation style does work fine to get the urls printed. However, the *.bst styles only check for 'lastchecked' tag for a last accessed date. I don't know if there's any standard way for specifying the date but 'lastchecked' and 'urldate' seem to be two commonly used variants (as far as a quick web search tells - I'm on Zotero which also uses the last mentioned type).
To get this temporary working for me I replaced the plain 'lastcheck' output in *.bst with: .. lastchecked empty$ {"" "\lastchecked" urldate do.out} {"" "\lastchecked" lastchecked do.out} if$ .. and added urldate to the list of known tags.
Are there any chances to get this changed in the 'official' version (if there are no other points against this I don't see right now :))?
I have no clue how bst files work (nor time to look into it) so others have to decide on that.