Google is your friend. Try http://www.miktex.org/manual/miktexinilayout.h> tml#id585308
and there "Memory Settings for TeX & Friends". the file is seeminly named miktex.ini.
Greetings to Sweden from (currently) Taiwan,
Many thanks, Tobias. I browsed the archives and it seems memory settings for MikTeX can not be changed. Approx. 2 years ago, Sebastian Rooks wrote (and Giuseppe Bilotta answered): =================================================== Saturday, April 12, 2003 Sebastian Rooks wrote: SR> So it does not seem to be my setup. What can I try next ? Am I really SR> the only guy with this problem ? Drats, it looks like the hash size cannot be changed ... I'm discussing this and similar issues with Christian, so I'll forward the problem to him. If everything goes well it should be fixed in the next upgrade. I'll keep you informed. =================================================== Pity! What TeX distributions are the other Windows users running, if not MikTeX? Thanks for all listmembers' help, anyway. Best regards, Mats Broberg