Hallo, I wanted to update a minimal-installation under windows. The first attempt was to invoke: first-detup --keep (found at the garden) The result was the following output, nothing else happend: --------------------------------------------------------------------- receiving incremental file list ./ mtxrun.lua sent 2897 bytes received 2103 bytes 2000.00 bytes/sec total size is 4983352 speedup is 996.67 MTXrun | fileio: variable SELFAUTOLOC set to D:/context/bin MTXrun | fileio: variable SELFAUTODIR set to D:/context MTXrun | fileio: variable SELFAUTOPARENT set to D: MTXrun | fileio: variable TEXMFCNF set to {$SELFAUTODIR,$SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/share,}/texmf{- local,.local,}/web2c} MTXrun | fileio: no cnf files found (TEXMFCNF may not be set/known) MTXrun | using script: ./bin/mtx-update.lua D:\context\bin\mtxrun.lua:1611: attempt to call field 'env' (a table value) When you want to use context, you need to initialize the tree with: D:\context\tex\setuptex.bat D:\context\tex You can associate this command with a shortcut to the cmd prompt. --------------------------------------------------------------------- What is the field 'env'? The second attempt was the reinstall context. I downloaded: http://minimals.contextgarden.net/setup/context-setup-mswin.zip to a new directory and started first-setup. But the result was identical to the first. What I am doing wrong? Wolfgang