Hi This code causes context/luatex to freeze using 100% of CPU. \useexternalfigure[img_a][img1.png][type=png] \useexternalfigure[img_b][img2.png][type=png] \starttext \placefigure[][]{Two images, itemized decsription} { \setupbodyfont[9pt] \starttable[|cs(1cm)|c|] \NC \externalfigure[img_a][height=5cm] \NC \externalfigure[img_b][height=5cm] \NC\NR \NC (a) \NC (b) \SR \NC \use{2}\ReFormat[l]{\hskip 4em (a) A very nice woman.} \AR \NC \use{2}\ReFormat[l]{\hskip 4em (b) An ugly man.} \AR \stoptable } \stoptext Any idea why? The code worked in context/pdftex from texlive. It has nothing to do with particular images (tried different png, jpg). Source code and sample images are attached. ZS PS. Something similar to following should be produced: \placefigure[][]{Two images} { \startcombination[2*1] {\externalfigure[img_a][height=5cm]}{(a) A very nice woman.} {\externalfigure[img_b][height=5cm]}{(b) An ugly man.} \stopcombination }