Dnia 2011-08-03, o godz. 18:12:27
Wolfgang Schuster
Am 03.08.2011 um 15:27 schrieb Marcin Borkowski:
I'm feeling like I'm getting close to the daily limit of posts to the list;), but I'm just learning;).
I discovered that I can use \defineframed so that I can write
But I'd like to have "my" counterparts of \inframed, \mframed and \inmframed. Is there any \define-like command for that, too, or do I have to resort to plain old \def?
\defineframed[mathframe][align=right,top=\startmathmode,bottom=\stopmathmode] % location=low
Thanks a lot! Just three questions: 1. What do (in general) top and bottom parameters do? 2. I assume that \startmathmode and \stopmathmode are necessary because the contents of the frame are set in an hbox? 3. DO I get it correctly that \inframed{...} is equivalent to \framed[location=low]{...}? TIA -- Marcin Borkowski