On Sun, 15 Apr 2007, Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky wrote:
I've just read a about hanging punctuation in Hans' Typographic Programming manual. It is very impressive; now I understand one more cause why Word documents look so ugly. :)
Unfortunatelly, I cannot try those examples by myself, since I run TeXLive2007 that don't have Palatino font preinstalled and I'm confident only with MiKTeX in font installing issues.
You do not need Palatino to use hanging puntuation. Hanging punctuation can be used with any font. The wiki has instructions on how to use hanging punctuation with other fonts.
Is it possible to use this feature with XeTeX? Or should I impatiently wait for LuaTeX?
From what I understand, character expansion can not be used with XeTeX. I am not sure about character protrusion. Since LuaTeX is supposed to pdftex2, I am sure that it will support all the features of pdftex, so hanging punctuation will be supported.