27 Aug
27 Aug
9:21 p.m.
On Tue, 27 Aug 2013, "H. Özoguz" wrote:
For LaTex there exists a tool, named "latexmk", which allows a "preview continuous mode", that is to update the compiled pdf automatically. It is really very helpful!
Because it is open-source: It is possible to addapt this tool for context, too? Maybe one of the programmers have time for this ... :)
I use the perl program `atchange`[1] for continous preview. For simple documents, you can just run atchange filename.tex "context --batch filename" For more complicated documents (depending on multiple files and figures), you can create a automate file (see [1] for description) and run atchange automate [1]: http://schneider.ncifcrf.gov/atchange.html Aditya