Am Freitag, den 29.04.2011, 18:13 -0400 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
On Fri, 29 Apr 2011, Paul Menzel wrote:
the filter module installed using
$ ./first-setup.sh --extras="t-filter"
does not work with the following example, which is also attached.
\usemodule[filter] \defineexternalfilter[rest][filtercommand={pandoc -f rst -t context -o \externalfilteroutputfile\space \externalfilterinputfile}] \starttext There should be a table here. \startrest ========= ========= test table ========= ========= α b c d ======== ======== \stoprest \stoptext
The output file `minimal-temp-rest.tex` is just empty.
Replacing »α« by »a« solves the problem.
Running `filtercommand` in a terminal produces the *correct* output though and no empty file.
Is that a known problem?
No. The content of the file should not affect whether the filter is run or not. Can you add \traceexternalfilters on the top and check the output (look for lines starting with t-filter).
You already added it in your commit of the test file. […] resolvers > modules > loaded: 'filter' (t-filter.tex loading > ConTeXt User Module / Filter resolvers > modules > loaded: 'module-catcodes' (t-module-catcodes.tex loading > ConTeXt User Module / Module Catcodes )) (/opt/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-siz.mkiv) (/opt/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/type-otf.mkiv){/opt/context/tex/texmf-context/fonts/map/pdftex/context/mkiv-tx.map}{/opt/context/tex/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/lm/lm-math.map}{/opt/context/tex/texmf/fonts/map/dvips/lm/lm-rm.map}{/opt/context/tex/texmf-context/fonts/map/pdftex/context/mkiv-base.map} fonts > virtual math > the mapping is incomplete for 'txmath' at 7pt system > begin file tests/rest at line 11 t-filter > current filter : rest t-filter > base file : rest-temp-rest t-filter > input file : rest-temp-rest.tmp t-filter > output file : rest-temp-rest.tex t-filter > command : pandoc -f rst -t context -o rest-temp-rest.tex rest-temp-rest.tmp (rest-temp-rest.tex) backend > xmp > using file '/opt/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/lpdf-pdx.xml' pages > flushing realpage 1, userpage 1, subpage 1 system > end file tests/rest at line 21 ) […] $ more rest-temp-rest.t* :::::::::::::: rest-temp-rest.tex :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: rest-temp-rest.tmp :::::::::::::: ========= ========= test table ========= ========= α b c d ======== ======== Please find `rest.log` attached.
I also include a patch adding this example into `tests/` in [1].
Thanks. I added it to the test suite.
You can save the mbox file and use `git am path/to/mbox` next time.
The file works correctly on my machine.
That is weired.
Which version of pandoc are you using?
$ pandoc --version pandoc Compiled with syntax highlighting support for: Ada, Alert, Asp, Awk, Bash, Bibtex, C, Cmake, Coldfusion, Commonlisp, Cpp, Css, D, Djangotemplate, Doxygen, Dtd, Eiffel, Erlang, Fortran, Haskell, Html, Java, Javadoc, Javascript, Json, Latex, Lex, LiterateHaskell, Lua, Makefile, Matlab, Mediawiki, Modula3, Nasm, Objectivec, Ocaml, Octave, Pascal, Perl, Php, Postscript, Prolog, Python, Relaxngcompact, Rhtml, Ruby, Scala, Scheme, Sgml, Sql, SqlMysql, SqlPostgresql, Tcl, Texinfo, Xml, Xslt, Yacc Copyright (C) 2006-2010 John MacFarlane Web: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is no warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. As already written in my last mail. Executing the command directly works fine. $ pandoc -f rst -t context -o rest-temp-rest.tex rest-temp-rest.tmp $ more rest-temp-rest.t*:::::::::::::: rest-temp-rest.tex :::::::::::::: \placetable[here]{none} \starttable[|l|l|] \HL \NC test \NC table \NC\AR \HL \NC α \NC b \NC\AR \NC c \NC d \NC\AR \HL \stoptable :::::::::::::: rest-temp-rest.tmp :::::::::::::: ========= ========= test table ========= ========= α b c d ======== ========
Does the error also occur if you use the dev branch from github?
$git checkout dev $context tests/rest
For the Git newbies. If you do this the first time, you need to do $ git checkout -b dev origin/dev beforehand. Thanks, Paul