Adam Lindsay wrote:
It's not that I'm trying to rain on your parade, it's just that I've lost a bit of enthusiasm for standardisation.
I generally agree with Adam, fonts are very varios. But the next Idris idea is nice. More intuitive then \sc, \bc, \ic, and \bic. I would vote for it, but ... at least \sc needs some backward compatibility :-(
%% small caps % medium \TF % bold \BF % italic \IT % bold italic \BI
Another discussion proposal: I will get the rest font families from Storm to make the support complete. So I will have to solve many similar problems with naming conventions. So I am interesting about some recommendations. What way to solve via A) variants via \Var[...] B) \tf, \bf, ... switches, C) different font family. For now I am using: A) for extended glyph definitions and old style digits {Var[os]} (if they are not default in the font - in that case there might be reverse normal style digit variant \Var[ns?]). B) standard 4 + small caps + symbols/ornaments designed to the font {\sy} C) condensed, extended, medium, ... Some comments? Cheers, vit