On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 12:38:58PM +0100, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 22.12.2013 um 11:26 schrieb Rudolf Bahr
: In the following minimal example I'd like to get quotation marks around the "Nein!", but I don't:
------------------------------------------------------------ \starttext
\language[de] \pdfmapline{yfrak
\YfrakFont Zu meinem Vorschlag sagte das: M*adchen: \quotation{Nein!}
\stoptext -----------------------------------------------------------
Please, what is wrong?
The font is wrong, I compared the afm and pub files of the font and the information about the position of the quotation marks in the afm file and pub file don’t match.
I suggest to use a font in TrueType or OpenType [1] format which works with less problems.
Hello Wolfgang, thank you for your hints! I looked up "unifraktur" and many, many others and could learn what you meant with "less problems". Nearly all of the hundreds of fraktur-fonts in the world have problems, as reported by the program "fontforge". But even worse, mostly there is a lack of umlauts, 2 of 3 needed different "s" and a lack of ligatures. And only very, very few of them have in addition to the normal umlauts written with double points umlauts with a small "e" above instead. So, I returned to yfrak.pfb and ysmfrak.pfb and built my own "\glqq" and "\grqq", out of apostrophs, doubling, mirroring and lowering them. Sometimes there is a need to do so, but generally, of course, I prefere to use \quotation{...}! Greetings, Rudolf