Matthias Wächter wrote:
So you take the official, newly released .zip file, unpack it to the checked out Subversion copy, and commit the changes using your name and the release date as commit text (no change tracking using information from the Release Notes or the prime version control system),?
Almost correct, you missed a step: Take the official, newly released .zip file, unpack it, *generate Release Notes*, copy to checked out Subversion .. etc
It's not that Context development is actually performed on supelec.fr, is it?
Correct, "ConTeXt Revisions" is a museum, development takes place at Pragma-ADE, on Hans' internal file server.
Looks like a lot of effort (riding the horse backwards).
It is a lot of effort, although quite a bit is automated by now. But almost everything else would mean extra work for Hans (who does development almost single-handedly) and it would not help me overmuch either because, in general, you cannot trust ChangeLog/ CommitLog entries :-/ Generating Release Notes and publishing to CTAN are by far the biggest of my tasks as far as manual labour goes.
So: Why is Context development not performed on a public SVN repository?
Hans' convenience (as indicated above). Hans has an infrastructure set up already, and that structure predates public SVN by quite a few years. Switching would result in a temporary loss of productivity that is hard to justify. Especially so, since Hans is not only the lead also almost the only developer.
The whole release procedure would be a lot simpler then ... Am I too progressive asking this? ;)
Perhaps you are ;-)
For the 'Files' section, it could actually be retrofitted, by rearranging the uploaded files (and uploading a few hundred extra zip files that are now skipped). I will happily give anybody who wants to do such a project enough gforge permissions to do so ;-)
I don't understand precisely what actions you mean. Maybe together we can work out a better 'Files' section.
Mostly renaming a few hunderd uploaded files using the web interface. Not very hard in itself, but tedious and error-prone (and I simply do not have time for it right now).
Second: I tried to checkout the repository anonymously as mentioned on https://foundry.supelec.fr/scm/?group_id=14 without success
That is odd, because it should have worked. I will investigate
Thank you very much!
Just a configuration hint (actually I don't know how much access you have to the various SVN config files on supelec.fr):
(Will forward this to Fabrice Popineau, thank you very much) Cheers, Taco