Hi David, Put the "x" into a variable: \setMPtext{1}{x} you can define the \stetMPtext within the \starttext \stoptext or outside Call create_axes(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,ux,uy)(\MPbetex{1}); Willi David Arnold wrote:
I've tried various things without much success. I cannot seem to access the contents of xlbl below.
Is this approach ever going to work?
Note: I am trying to pass the string "x" to the parameter xlbl.
color gridlines; gridlines:=\MPcolor{gridlines};
vardef create_grid(expr xxmin,xxmax,xxscl,yymin,yymax,yyscl,uux,uuy)= for k=xxmin step xxscl until xxmax: draw (xmin*uux,k*uuy)--(xmax*uux,k*uuy) withcolor \MPcolor {gridlines}; draw (k*uux,ymin*uuy)--(k*uux,ymax*uuy) withcolor \MPcolor {gridlines}; endfor; enddef;
vardef create_axes (expr xxmin,xxmax,yymin,yymax,uux,uuy) (text xlbl) = drawdblarrow (1.05*xxmin*uux,0)--(1.05*xxmax*uux,0); draw textext.origin(\MPstring{xlbl}); drawdblarrow (0,1.05*yymin*uuy)--(0,1.05*yymax*uuy); enddef;
%initialize window parameters numeric xmin, xmax, xscl, ymin, ymax, yscl; xmin:=-5; xmax:=5; xscl:=1; ymin:=-5; ymax:=5; yscl:=1;
%initialize scale numeric ux, uy; (xmax-xmin)*ux=4in; (ymax-ymin)*uy=3in;
%create the grid create_grid(xmin,xmax,xscl,ymin,ymax,yscl,ux,uy);
%create the axes create_axes(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,ux,uy)(x);
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