Thanks to the help I've been getting, I've almost got my layout working. The only remaining problem seems to be that the footer automatically inserts some whitespace above my framed text. The intent is for it to be flush to the top of the footer. What do I need to change? \setupcolors[state=start] \setupbackground[background=color, backgroundcolor=black] \setuppapersize[letter] \setuplayout [ location=doublesided, marking=on, topspace=1cm, % space at top of page bottomspace=1cm, % space at bottom of page backspace=2cm, % spine side of page cutspace=1cm, % outer side of page header=0cm, footer=2cm, bottom=2cm, margin=0cm, width=middle, height=middle, ] \newbox\FootBox \setbox\FootBox=\hbox { \framed [ align=right, frame=off, topframe=on, width=\textwidth, offset=none, framecolor=blue, ] {\bf \tfxx datasheet:} } \setuplayout[footer=\dimexpr\ht\FootBox+\dp\FootBox] \setupfootertexts[{\copy\FootBox}] \starttext \showframe[text] test \stoptext -- Stirling Westrup Programmer, Entrepreneur. https://www.linkedin.com/e/fpf/77228 http://www.linkedin.com/in/swestrup http://technaut.livejournal.com